SetScriptGfxAlign(string.byte('L'), string.byte('B')) local minimapTopX, minimapTopY = GetScriptGfxPosition(-0.0045, 0.002 + (-0.188888)) ResetScriptGfxAlign() local w, h = GetActiveScreenResolution() return { w * minimapTopX, h * minimapTopY }
This could be useful if you want to align things to NUI or other screen-space draws, and works on pretty much any aspect ratio. The magic numbers here are the minimap
position from common:/data/ui/frontend.xml
, as seen below:
<data name="minimap" alignX="L" alignY="B" posX="-0.0045" posY="0.002" sizeX="0.150" sizeY="0.188888" /> <!-- WARNING! Feed MUST match posX and PosY -->
This will likely also work for aligning to other positions, assuming you set the right sizes.