Using the new console key bindings

You’re able to define keyboard bindings in a new way, as originally detailed in the 2018 design document “Configuration & Input – Redesigned“.

Here’s a sample snippet of a simple ‘hands up’ binding:

local handsUp = false

    while true do

        if handsUp then
            TaskHandsUp(PlayerPedId(), 250, PlayerPedId(), -1, true)

RegisterCommand('+handsup', function()
    handsUp = true
end, false)

RegisterCommand('-handsup', function()
    handsUp = false
end, false)

RegisterKeyMapping('+handsup', 'Hands Up', 'keyboard', 'i')
RegisterKeyMapping('say hi', 'Say hi', 'keyboard', 'o')
User-editable bindings.

These bindings will be editable by the user in the ‘key bindings’ option (only 1 binding per command yet, no secondary binding), and depending on user demand we’ll add a helper for computing the right hashes to use with ~INPUT_~-style display as well for help hints and similar.

In addition to that, a plethora of new console commands are added to the client F8 console, an example is below:

// bind a key to toggle the safe zone to an offscreen size and back
bind KEYBOARD F3 "+vstr hideHud showHud"
seta "hideHud" "profile_safezoneSize 500"
seta "showHud" "profile_safezoneSize 7"

// list all bindings

// bind for a specific resource (similar to RegisterKeyMapping)
rbind runcode keyboard o "say hi"

// unbind
unbind keyboard f3

// set the volume way above the usual max
profile_sfxVolume 50

// ear rape?
profile_sfxVolume 9000

// toggle a variable
toggle strmem

// toggle a variable between two values
toggle con_miniConChannels * minicon:*

// see cmdlist to view all new and existing variables and commands

… and the fxd:/fivem.cfg (%appdata%\citizenfx) file contains a lot of additional user settings now in a readable format.